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Mallet Family Papers VI. Papers of Sir Bernard Mallet, KCB (1859-1932)

* This list is a draft (August 2012). Reference numbers will remain as they are in this list, but descriptions are subject to changes and additions. As yet there are not more detailed descriptions of files in this collection; they will appear as soon as they are created.*

VI.01 Papers on the Incidence of Taxation and calculation of the national income 1899-1906

VI.02 Papers on the National Registration of 1915 and subsequent maintenance of the register

VI.03 Papers re committee on staffing of government offices 1917-1919

VI.04 General Register Office – circulars issued 1914-1917

VI.05 Proof copy – Royal Commission on whisky and other potable spirits

VI.06 Population estimates 1917-919

VI.07 Press notices on presidential address to the Royal Statistical Society 1917

VI.08 Bernard Mallet - miscellaneous

VI.09 Notices re Bernard Mallet’s death 1932

VI.10 Pamphlet ‘A method of estimating capital wealth from the estate duty statistics’ by Bernard Mallet 1908

VI.11 Pamphlet ‘The organisation of registration and its bearing on vital statistics’. Presidential address of Sir Bernard Mallet to the Royal Statistical Society 1916

VI.12 Pamphlet ‘Renseignements statistiques relatifs aux contributions directes et aux taxes assimilés.’ Ministère des Finances, Paris, 1908.

VI.13 Pamphlet. Home trade and foreign trade, J Honar, 1908

VI.14 Diary of Bernard Mallet 1894-1906, with transcript up to 7 March 1900

VI.15 Photograph of Bernard Mallet in old age.

-end of section-

I. Papers of Jacques (James) Mallet du Pan (1749-1800)
II. Papers of Jean Louis Etienne (John Lewis) Mallet (1775-1861)
III. Papers of Sir Louis Mallet (1823-1890)
IV. Papers of Sir Louis du Pan Mallet GCMG (1864-1936) and other members of the Mallet family
V. Papers of Marie Constance Mallet née Adeane (1861-1934)
VI. Papers of Sir Bernard Mallet, KCB (1859-1932)


- Anna Sander

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